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Airlines - That wonderful mode of transportation that we all enjoy. How grand it is to step on an airplane, get seated and be transported through the sky to your destination with not a care in the world. Just look at some of the airline slogans. Are you not just "carried away" by thewonderfulness of it all????
United . . . "Fly the friendly skies"
Northwest Airlines . . . "Some people just know how to fly"
Air India . . . "Your Palace in the Sky"
TWA . . . "One Mission Yours"
Of course those of us who are interested in "traveling safely" are a bit more skeptical about flying and dig a bit deeper. After all "flying" is not really all it's cracked up to be! At a lounge in LasVegas, a conversation was secretly recorded between Dean Martin and a pilot forFlamboyant Airlines "We Fly Higher" Listen carefully, does this conversation give you comfort?
Till Next Week