Friday 11:30AM - Rally at the Courthouse PUB.
Sunday evening 6:30PM dinner at Mahauts Supper Club in Two Rivers.
All club members and guests are welcome to both events. This is a suggested agenda. I'm looking for comments and suggestions. We will "absolutely" need to know how many will attend these events if they are approved by the club.
Please let me know if you plan to attend the reunion so I can publish a running list.

Booking at the Lighthouse Inn - TR
John and Joan Harvey - FRI - SAT - SUN
John and Sharon Magnusson - FRI - SAT - SUN
Karen Reibetanz FRI - SAT - SUN
Bob Warrens FRI - SAT - SUN
Vic Schiegg and Nancy Parker - FRI - SAT
Bob Kattner FRI - SAT
Ken and Pat Chermak
Dale Sievert
Jerry Leyendecker
Turntable - Top 50's music . . . The flipSide - Santana
The Club PUB - Part 2 / Climate change and your home.
That's a wrap!
Till Next week / be safe &
I'll see you on the Turntable!