Really? Really? Well I beg to disagree! (with myself). Sure we had the talent during those years! The guys in the 50's and 60's were "One of a kind". But let's face it. At this point in our lives were are not "tuned in"to the NEW music. So I'm tuning in for us . . . and let me say there is some really great stuff out there. I'm sure, were we in HS today, we would be just as excited listening to "The Vamps" as we were listening to Fats Domino or Bobby Vinton. It's just that we have our memories invested in the music of our youth.
To appreciate todays music you must try to imagine that you are 16 and trying to be part of the "scene"! This is FUN music and the artists are really talented. So let's give it a try with "The Vamps" - "Somebody to you".
Here's another really good selection. Avicii "Wake me Up". Let's face it we all would like to escape realityat one point or another. Who thought it would apply to today's youngsters
Warning (don't try twisting your neck like that guy does in the presentation. You might need a chiropractor's assistance to "untwist". Could take days to fix. Expensive too . . . medicare won't cover it! "At least not so far"" :)
Till Next Week