Have you been listening to POP today??? Most of this stuff I wouldn't play in public. The lyrics in many of these songs are really too nasty to repeat!
Country, on the other hand, has remained (mostly) clean American stuff. Jake Owens is an example. Jake's songs, "Beachin" "Cruisen" "Barefoot Blue Jean Night" are songs I would have loved in High School and would happily play to the grandkids. I've played all these selections on the turntable.
So there you are . . . I suppose I am bit country.
Now to the point! Some of these country guys have pretty big heads! You know that when you can see their 10 gallon hats are about 2 gallons short!
Many of these singers are good, and I mean, "Really Good". But is there no one who might duplicate their performance??? Nothing against Garth Brooks but I will use him as an example. Here's Garth singing one of his most popular songs.
Well I'm here to tell you that ANY DUMMY could sing that song! Here let me prove it! Witness "Walter T Airdale"! Let's give it up for Walt!!!
Till Next Week