Our time is scheduled for 11:30 AM but we may plan a visit to the "Spirit of the Rivers" at 10:00AM, or therabout, weather permitting (more on that later). These rallies are always fun. Everyone receiving our weekly release is invited (non-members included). I'm hoping we can get a good group together for this last rally of the year.
(Yeah . . . ONLY rally this year)
Please let me know if you can attend. I'll put a list out next week of those confirmed. Hope everyone is doing'well. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday Nov 9th.
Turntable - 50's . . . The flipSide - Bob Dylan . . . The Club Pub - Efforts to deport 'Dreamers' gets pushback!
SPECIAL NOTE FROM DALE SIEVERT . . . "I found out the class reunion is August 21-23 at Silver Valley from Pat Korlesky, who is checking addresses".
That's a wrap!
Till Next week / be safe and I'll see you on the Turntable!