Remember this??? It's been 61 years since we graduated from this place. We're going back in August to rekindle relationships and catch up on life's adventures. Let's try to make the most of it while we are there.
I'm hoping we have a packed RALLY at the Courthouse pub on Friday, Aug 20. In addition, we are working on a "field trip" for Saturday morning, Aug 22 (plans still in development - details will be out before the end of July). We are also planning a dinner at Mahut's Supper Club in TR on Sunday evening.

Booking at the Lighthouse Inn - TR
John and Joan Harvey - FRI - SAT - SUN
John and Sharon Magnusson - FRI - SAT - SUN
Karen Reibetanz FRI - SAT - SUN
Bob Warrens FRI - SAT - SUN
Vic Schiegg and Nancy Parker - FRI - SAT
Bob Kattner FRI - SAT

John & Joan Harvey
John & Sharon Magnusson
Karen Reibetanz
Bob Warrens
Vic Schiegg & Nancy Parker
Skip & Lynn Wallen
Pete & Donna Christensen?
Ken & Pat Chermak?
Dale Sievert
Bill & Jane Wojta?
Nick & Barb Nitka?
Tom Westover & Ginny Mayer?
Dick & Terry Burns?
Jerry Leyendecker
A special invitation to Dan & Carol Wergin
(If you have a question mark behind your name, please send a confirmation note to me. I'll have to contact the Courthouse Pub soon and formally schedule the event.)
Note: Due to a family event scheduling conflict, John and Del Torrison will not attend the class reunion. However, they send their best wishes to us all . . . (Hope they find a workaround)!
Turntable - Top 50's music . . . The flipSide - Ricky Nelson
That's a wrap!
Till Next week / be safe &
I'll see you on the Turntable!