It's Wednesday, late afternoon; sirens start to whale. Tornados spotted, on the ground, less than 5 miles south of our location, coming directly toward us. We hit the basement; fortunately for us, we have a pretty nice basement. We turned the TV on and watched as the announcers frantically implored all those in our area to seek shelter.
We checked the weather outside the sliding glass doors next to the pool. Nothing . . . No lightning, no large hail, no wind, and no debris flying in the air. What the heck is going on? The entire storm passed just to the east of our location. We wondered if it was just a bit of weather hysteria. The next day we saw this in the paper.
Eight tornadoes confirmed near the Twin Cities metro, but little damage.
Summer can be a fun time for all of us. Just be sure to have your emergency plan in place.
Today, Bob Warrens contributes an article to the Club PUB. The article, written by Schwab, does an excellent job of explaining bitcoins and blockchain technology. (Though still off my list of investment ideas) - Thanks, Bob!
Here's this week's lineup.
Turntable - Top 50's music . . . The flipSide - The Del Vikings . . . The Club PUB - Bitcoin frequently asked questions.
That's a wrap!
Till Next week / be safe &
I'll see you on the Turntable!