Hi Everyone!. . . Look what we've come to. Hopefully, we will all soon be able to take off the masks and look at each other's pudgy cheeks again. I say "pudgy" because what else have we had to do for the last year??
Varients circulating currently are really virulent, and the public's tiredness of the pandemic is colluding to inflict another surge in the Country. At the same time, vaccinations are being ramped up to head off more deaths and suffering. Eventually, we know vaccines will win. Dying now due to impatience would be truly sad indeed!
Once you have the vaccine and have waited the appropriate amount of time, you are "Golden." Travel, mingle, party, or whatever you wish. A slight chance still exists that you could get the virus, but you won't die from it!!! They also tell us if we come in contact with someone who has the virus, we do not need to quarantine because we will not spread the disease. COOL!!!
Turntable - Top 50's music . . . The flipSide - Gloria Estefan . . . The Club PUB - Is Trump ethical?
That's a wrap!
Till Next week / be safe &
I'll see you on the Turntable!