Oh Boy! High School! Dating, dancing, bonfires at the beach, all the fun stuff we dreamt about in grade school. But wait! First you must have a girlfriend right?? How the heck do you do that? Well, as we discovered, plenty of friendly companies selling grooming aids are just dying to show us how to "Get the Girl"!
Remember Aqua Velva? That fragrance almost certainly will attract the girls! And magical stuff it was! REALLY INTENSE!! As they say . . "there's something about an Aqua Velva Man! "Boy oh Boy" I just can't wait to get my hands on a bottle of that stuff. Just witness the commercial!
"In our minds" we would go to the beach and immediately become the center of attention . . . of course that assumed we were upwind of all those cute gals. Here's how it looked "in our minds". And yes, the girls "eyes" and "poses" were all for us! Oh My! . . . I just can't decide!
Now it's time to get serious and call in the big guns! English Leather!!! Ok this stuff is really expensive (way more than a dollar) but after checking out the commercial I'm ready to sell my car for it!!! Like the commercial says . . . if . . . I'm gonna do it . . . then I'm gonna"do it right"!
Why??? because it "Drives women crazy" Don't believe me? Just look at the commercial!
Guess what? That worked. I think we just need to be ourselves!