Do we remember the frog who jumped into a relaxed, comfortable water kettle? The kettle happened to be on a stove that was slowly heating the water. The water reached the boiling point, but the frog remained unaware. He died.
If we pay attention, we will become more aware of the increasing danger of climate warming. It is proven that it can be moderated if the correct actions are taken immediately. The current administration has done an excellent job adopting policies and procedures to reduce the heat.
As the election approaches, please pay special attention to the policies! each party brings with them regarding global warming and not who heads the party. I will vote for the party that turns down the heat! THINK!
Hi, In Harv's corner, we're heading back to school. In this first of four releases, I will discuss the importance of Freezing your credit and provide directions on how to do it quickly and easily. Each instruction will include a link to a site that can help you implement the necessary precautions. If you need help implementing or understanding the instructions, please call me at 651-336-1626. I'll be happy to help in any way I can. NOTE: Dale, of Gulliver's Travels publishes his most recent trip to India. Really fascinating pictures that reflect a totally unique people. Don't miss it! |