Now you can't just PICK an "Our Song" It's like I say . . . they just happen! Try to force it and anything can happen . . . especially if you fail to listen to the words. I was put in that position in HS. Seems that during our relationship a suitable song did not "just happen" so I was asked to "just pick one"!!! Well, at that time I was not that interested in the "words" The song I picked was brand new in 1959 and looked like it would be a hit soooo . . .Here is what I proposed.
Did you listen closely to the words????? She did! Guess how it went over! Another relationship up in smoke and flames. Seems these darn "Our Songs" words are important!
Remember back in High School when every "Steady" couple had a song? Do you remember your song? Do you remember who your "Steady" was??? Well, there's something special about a steady couple's "Our Song". A couple is not Assigned a special song . . . "they just happen!" Some are pretty good . . . . others not so much. Here's one that belonged to Nick and Barb (Guess who)
Remember back in High School when every "Steady" couple had a song? Do you remember your song? Do you remember who your "Steady" was??? Well, there's something special about a steady couple's "Our Song". A couple is not Assigned a special song . . . "they just happen!" Some are pretty good . . . . others not so much. Here's one that belonged to Nick and Barb (Guess who)
If I had to pick a song today for back then I would have picked this one. It may be that this song "just happend" to you.
Listen to the words . . . . They're Great! Any couple would love to claim this song.
So . . . would anyone have a story to tell about their "Our Song"?
Bill, I know you must have had at least a couple of "Our Songs" back in HS! Care to Share???
Till Next Week
So . . . would anyone have a story to tell about their "Our Song"?
Bill, I know you must have had at least a couple of "Our Songs" back in HS! Care to Share???
Till Next Week